Rank Math Pro Latest Version Free Download

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Rank Math Pro

Rank Math Pro Overview

Rank Math Pro Free Download Latest Version is an SEO plugin for WordPress that offers some excellent functions to improve your website’s search engine ranking. It primarily helps to do on-page SEO of your website. It was first released in November 2018 by MythemeShop. Rank Math was entirely free for the last two years, but in November 2020, it also launched its premium version. The Rank Math Pro plugin offers lots of advanced features not provided by any other SEO plugin yet.

Even the free version Rank Math plugin is better than most premium SEO plugins. The installation and setup process of this plugin very simple and beginner-friendly. It takes just five minutes to set up the Rank Math SEO plugin on your WordPress. Now let’s discuss its Pro features.

Features such as Advanced Google Analytics Integration, Custom Schema Generator, Keyword Rank Tracker, Advanced Image SEO, and many others are supported by Rank Math Pro. It is an advanced schema generator that automatically recognizes and applies suitable schema markups to pages or posts. It also provides the option of manually changing and selecting a particular form of schema. Rank Math Pro also provides Advanced WooCommerce SEO with support for rich snippets. Overall, for both beginners and experienced users, Rank Math Pro is the best on-page SEO plugin.

Rank Math Pro also offers Advanced WooCommerce SEO with rich snippets support. Overall, Rank Math Pro is the best on-page SEO plugin for both beginners and advanced users. Rank Math Pro offers features like Advanced Google Analytics Integration, a Custom Schema Generator, a Keyword Rank Tracker, Advanced Image SEO, and many others. Its Advanced Schema Generator automatically identifies and applies appropriate schema markups into pages or posts. It also gives the option to modify and choose a different Schema type manually.

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Rank Math SEO Google Webmaster Integration Features

Rank Math Pro Main Features Summary

Many people at Rank Math were prominent bloggers before they started Rank Math & MyThemeShop. Their experience in blogging was the trigger that pushed them to start Rank Math in the first place. Their goal has always been to help fellow bloggers around the world with high-quality WordPress products.

In their blogging careers, they used hundreds of different products, many of which were top-notch. But the one thing that they never found a perfect solution for was SEO.

There are many SEO plugins for WordPress that have a lot of features and are well made, but all of those plugins have some or the other missing feature that gives a feeling of incompleteness, like eating food without proper seasoning.

Around three years ago, they decided to fix the problem once and for all. They set out to create the ultimate SEO plugin for WordPress that would dwarf any other SEO plugin in features, usability, and speed. Rank Math was born.

Over three years, they have forged and perfected Rank Math to be the ultimate SEO plugin. Rank Math is more advanced, has more features, and is more powerful than any other SEO plugin.

Rank Math solves SEO problems that you didn’t even know you had. For example, Rank Math has an in-built keyword rank tracker that tracks your post’s position in the SERPs. Not only that, but Rank Math also emails you when your posts first start appearing in the search results. This gives you an unprecedented advantage to optimize your posts around new keywords.

Rank Math does all that while saving you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars that you would have invested in a professional rank tracker.

Migrating from other SEO plugins to Rank Math is also very easy. Rank Math can copy all the necessary settings from your existing plugin in a single click. You can start benefiting from Rank Math’s power in just a few minutes after installation.

Now that you’ve understood Rank Math’s advantages, here are some of Rank Math’s other features in detail.

Advanced SEO Analysis – Rank Math features an advanced SEO analysis and testing tool. This tool performs more than 20 SEO tests on your website and recommends the best settings to achieve the most traffic.

Setup Wizard – Rank Math automatically configures itself when installed. The installation and setup wizard also helps you set up essential settings, social profiles, and other site features.

Advanced Redirection Manager – Rank Math lets you set up and manage hundreds of redirects in a few clicks. Importing and exporting redirects is easy and quick, and you can set individual redirects as 301 or 302 redirects.

404 Monitor – Broken links are hard to find and fix. Rank Math’s advanced 404 monitor finds all the 404 links on your site and lets you redirect them in just a few clicks.

Bulk Title and Description Editor – Keywords in the title have a significant SEO impact. Rank Math’s bulk editing feature lets you update all your post’s titles and descriptions in bulk, saving you time and money.

Search Engine Verification – Rank Math lets you verify your website with multiple search engines and social networks right from your WordPress Admin.

Google Webmaster Integration – Rank Math integrates with Google Webmaster tools to fetch your website’s index status and other ranking data. This data is then presented in an easy-to-understand way, right inside your WordPress admin.

Automated Image SEO – Properly optimized images are essential for image SEO. Rank Math automatically appends images with ALT tags and Title tags to improve your image SEO.

Multiple Rich Snippet Support – Using the correct meta tags has never been easier with Rank Math’s native Rich Snippet Support. Rank Math can add news, articles, blogs, recipes, videos, and more meta tags to your content with the click of a button. click

News Sitemap – If you run a news site, you will love the news sitemap feature in Rank Math. This feature creates a Google-compatible news sitemap and lets you submit it in just a few seconds.

Video Sitemap – Rank Math’s video sitemap feature helps in getting your videos indexed quickly. In just a few clicks, Rank Math can create a compatible video sitemap that you can submit to multiple search engines.

Local SEO Optimization – Local businesses can take advantage of Rank Math’s Local SEO optimization features. Using these features ensures that your local business website ranks in Google for your intended keywords.

WooCommerce Support – All the wonderful features of Rank Math are not limited to blogs. E-commerce websites can also leverage Rank Math to optimize their product pages for more traffic.

Why Should You Use Rank Math Pro?

EASY TO USE: Just like WordPress made blogging easy, Rank Math has made doing SEO easy. With an intuitive layout and very-defined options, you will never be in a dilemma.

BETTER THAN THE COMPETITION: While the rest of the SEO plugins can do just one or two things, our plugin does them all. Rank Math handles everything related to on-page SEO whether it is adding meta information, creating sitemaps, adding redirections, or adding Schema.

ADVANCED FUNCTIONALITY: Rank Math gives you full control over all aspects of your on-page SEO. You get options to index or noindex everything manually or using auto-pilot.

AUTO CONFIGURATION: Our plugin is smart enough to detect what type of SEO settings are best for your website after you tell it what kind of site you have. It considers industry research while automatically configuring many of the options.

GOOGLE KEYWORD RANK TRACKING: Why use another plugin or server when you can keep everything air-tight inside Rank Math? Add your keyword and watch Rank Math follow how it is ranking in SERPs.

FULL SCHEMA CODEX: Schema is important, especially now that voice search is an integral part of Google search. You must make it easier for Google to understand your content and Schema does just that. And, Rank Math makes doing that easier.

DETAILED DOCUMENTATION: With the extensive Knowledge Base articles, you will never feel stuck while using Rank Math.

24X7 SUPPORT: Sometimes, the documentation just doesn’t cover the issue you are facing. Never fear, our 24×7 support is here to make sure even your rarest problems are answered.

FREE: Want to know the best thing? All of this is entirely FREE. We believe in the product and want it to help as many people as we can. It is time to give back to the community. Yoast SEO premium

Installation and Activation Guide (Must Read)

  • First of all, open and extract the downloaded zip file.
  • Now you will get two files.
  • First, install Rank Math SEO Version 1.0.65.zip
  • Now install Rank Math SEO  Pro Version 2.9.0.zip
  • The Plugin will automatically activate under the pro license
  • Never Update the free version of Rank Math SEO Pro from your WordPress Server. It can break the template importing feature.
  • If you’re facing any issues first deactivate and delete the rank Math SEO Pro plugin then open phpMyAdmin to find and delete database entries containing “Rank Math SEO” in them into the wp_options & wp_usermeta tables only. After deleting Rank Math SEO entries from both tables, reinstall and use the plugins
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