Did League of Legends remove picking?
No, League of Legends has not removed champion picking. The process of selecting champions, commonly referred to as “picking,” is a core part of the game and remains unchanged. Picking occurs during the Champion Select phase, where players choose their champions and roles before entering the match.
Key Details About Champion Picking
- Draft Pick Mode:
- In ranked and draft games, players take turns selecting champions.
- The order alternates between teams, with opportunities for banning specific champions before picking.
- Blind Pick Mode:
- In casual games (Blind Pick), players select champions simultaneously without knowing the opposing team’s choices.
- Why Picking Matters:
- Picking is strategic, allowing players to build a cohesive team composition and counter specific champions or strategies.
Confusion About Picking Being Removed
Some players may confuse this with other game changes, such as game mode rotations or the removal of specific queues (e.g., certain experimental game modes). However, champion picking remains integral to the League of Legends experience.